Social and Health workers (Operatori socio- sanitari – OSS) are increasingly central figures for care not only in hospitals, but also in nursing homes and schools for studens with special needs. In fact, they are the operator closest to the patient, as they support him/her in all daily actions such as hygiene, feeding and walking. If the Italian National Health System is going through a difficult period due to the shortage of doctors and nurses, the problem is no less important on the ‘Oss’ (acronym by which Social and Health workers are identified) front and will become more complicated in the coming years.

Irccs Hospital of Negrar, in the province of Verona

According to Region forecasts, more than 1.500 social-health workers will leave hospital and residential facilities for the elderly and disabled in Veneto due to retirement. In order to train new ones to enter the world of work, the Irccs Hospital of Negrar, in the province of Verona, in collaboration with the Don Calabria Multipurpose Centre, is organising a course for the qualification of Oss within the framework of the regional programme. There is time until Friday 18 October to register for the selection; the written test is scheduled for Tuesday 22 October, at 10 a.m., in the Centre’s auditorium at 121 Via San Marco in Verona.

The course includes 480 hours of theoretical lessons and 520 hours of internship at the Sacro Cuore Don Calabria hospital and in the residential facilities of the Cittadella della Carità. At the end of the course the candidate must sit the qualification examination (written test in Italian and theoretical-practical test). The Region provides economic benefits for the unemployed and unemployable.