Sun and heat in Veneto. This is the weather according to for next weekend: Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 July   


Verona will be among the hottest cities in Veneto next weekend. Saturday 8 will have perceived minimum temperatures of 19 C and maximum temperatures up to 32 C, with weak wind throughout the day. High percentages of humidity during the night (78%). On Sunday, the situation does not change with temperatures between 20 and 34 C and 79%. Weak or absent wind. 


Saturday will be serene in the region’s capital, with temperatures ranging from 21 to 29 C. Partly cloudy until 8:00 a.m., with a slight to moderate wind throughout the day. On Sunday, the temperature climbs to 31 C (33 C perceived) with a weak wind. 


On Saturday temperatures between 16 and 28 C with 88% of humidity and weak wind. On Sunday, minimum temperatures of 17 C and maximum temperatures of 30 C (31 C) and the situation is unchanged due to humidity, which remains high and the wind still weak.   


On Saturday, temperatures will be between 19 and 32 C with a weak wind. 85% humidity at night and 39% during the hottest hours of the afternoon. Hot Sunday already from 11:00 in the morning with temperatures that will touch 34 C (perceived 35 C). Minimum of 19 C and a weak or calm wind, with humidity during the day of 35% and at night of 84%. 


High temperatures throughout the weekend for Rovigo. Saturday between 18 and 32 C with weak or moderate wind and high humidity at night up to 94%. Sunday will be even warmer, with temperatures that will reach 35 C perceived in the hottest hours and no wind. Instead, humidity will fall to 86%. 


Saturday temperatures will range between 19 and 32 degrees Celsius, with low to moderate humidity and maximum humidity percentages of 89% at night and 41% in the afternoon. Sunday From 14:00, heat and sun with up to 34 C (perceived 35 C). Weak wind and 39% humidity during the day. 


Scattered clouds until 8:00 on Saturday morning and then reach 32 C in the late afternoon, with minimum temperatures of 19 C. Weak wind and humidity at night (82%), and in the afternoon (41%). Sunday afternoon will be sunny and hot, with temperatures up to 34 C (perceived 35 C). Wind weak and a minimum of 19 C. The humidity during the afternoon will be 38–50%.