Mustapha Cisse is known at Piazza Cittadella as “the angel of the neighborhood.” As a security guard at the Aldi store, his warm yet vigilant presence has made him a community pillar, always ready to take action in difficult circumstances and ensure the safety of both customers and employees. Mustapha, originally from Senegal, has lived in Italy for many years, and after a long process, he has now gotten his residency permit.

Mustapha: A Trusted Ally of the Police

A while ago, Mustapha’s bravery was highlighted when he helped police arrest a guy attempting a knife-wielding robbery. His immediate involvement was vital, and in gratitude for his bravery, Verona’s Chief of Police, Roberto Massucci, conferred to him an honorary certificate named “Friend of the Police.” This wasn’t the first time Mustapha has put himself in danger; in his years on the job, he has been hurt by bottles and punches, but he has never wavered in his commitment to protecting people around him.

A Beloved Figure in the Community

Mustapha’s strong ties to the neighborhood became obvious when reports circulated a few months ago that he may lose his job owing to a change in the supermarket’s security contractor. The people of Piazza Cittadella swiftly organized a fundraiser to express their gratitude for his work. Fortunately, when the new security business learned about Mustapha’s reputation and commitment, they decided to recruit him immediately. Mustapha resigned from his former boss and stayed at Aldi, much to the pleasure and happiness of the whole community.

With his residency permit in hand, Mustapha can resume his duties as Piazza Cittadella’s beloved protector, a true guardian angel whose dedication and kindness have earned him the respect of both the local community and the police.