As summer draws close, courses start again, including those supported by the Municipality of Verona, such as the free language conversation groups organized at community centers. These sessions are free and open to everyone, with no attendance requirements.

English Coffee Every Monday

Starting on October 7th, English conversations will resume. Every Monday from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM, the Community Center in Parona (Largo Stazione Vecchia 16) will host these sessions. The group is limited to 20 participants. For more information, contact 3386212665.

Le Temps du Café Every Wednesday

Beginning on October 9th, French conversations, organized by the Banca del Tempo Ora x Ora, will also return. Conversations are scheduled at the Parona Community Center from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM, with a maximum of 20 participants. For more information, contact 3386212665.