It appears to be the first in the world and was presented at Palazzo Ferro Fini in Venice, headquarters of the Veneto Region: the Scuola di Alta Formazione Marmo e Pietre Naturali (Marble and Natural Stone High Training School) will be based in the province of Verona, in Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella. This school was established by Asmave (Consorzio Marmisti Veronesi) within the Verona Stone District, with the support of the Veneto Region and the Municipality of Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella.

The training activity, 400 hours per year, will start in October: participants will acquire notions of the subjects that make up the stone supply chain: geology to distinguish the types of materials, methods for extracting material from the quarry, processing operations in the factory, laying and post-treatment methods, marketing and communication techniques.

The school aims to become the most articulate reality for the global preparation of professionals and operators on the characteristics, technologies, applications and international markets of marble and natural stone. The objective is to increase knowledge in order to offer a product and service capable of responding to the technical, physical and mechanical demands of natural stone: synonymous with beauty, value and durability.

The school aims to become the most articulate reality for the global preparation of professionals and operators on the characteristics, technologies, applications and international markets of marble and natural stone. The objective is to increase knowledge in order to offer a product and service capable of responding to the technical, physical and mechanical demands of natural stone: synonymous with beauty, value and durability.