In Verona, there is now a single channel to which all reports concerning roads, including signs, can be sent: the Public Relations Office of the Municipality of Verona (Urp) receives and sorts the reports (in Italian) received from citizens.

The office will immediately forward the report to the competent authority and will also assess the seriousness of the reported situation. Simply send an e-mail, as detailed as possible, to the mailbox
Each user will receive an acknowledgement of their report with a registration number.

A few tips to speed up the processing of e-mails:

  1. Clearly indicate in the subject line the nature of the problem and the exact address in the case of road problems (e.g. pothole via Tevere 18 – faded zebra crossing via del Pontiere 15)
  2. State the problem briefly and clearly (one subject per email)
  3. If possible, attach one or two effective photos of the problem
  4. Include your contact details (name, surname and telephone number for possible clarification)
  5. Preferably send to your normal e-mail address, as all e-mails are recorded and processed in a computer system

What slows down the processing of your reports:

  1. missing, too long or off-topic subject line
  2. too many email recipients
  3. too many attached photos or excessive size makes it difficult to forward to other offices
  4. different topics in the same email slow it down as it has to be reworked before being forwarded to the relevant offices
  5. long polemics: they tend to obscure the essence of the problem and are unlikely to reach the right people
  6. insults and anonymity: insulting e-mails are not forwarded to any service; anonymous e-mails do not allow a reply (if the user remains anonymous for security reasons, consider contacting the police).

URP – Public Relations Office
Address: Via Adigetto 10 37122 Verona
Telephone: +39 045 8077500, toll free: 800 202525