During the summer season, when temperatures can reach extreme levels, the heat can become unbearable not only for us but also for our canine friends.

Dogs are not able to regulate their own body temperature and are particularly sensitive to high temperatures.

Leaving a dog exposed to the sun on the balcony, the terrace or locked in the car can therefore pose serious risks to its health and well-being, represented by:

heat stroke: dogs can easily suffer heat stroke when exposed to high temperatures; this condition is extremely dangerous and can be fatal if not treated promptly

dehydration: in excessive heat, dogs can quickly become dehydrated, endangering their equilibrium and state of health

paw burns: balcony surfaces can get hot and cause serious paw burns on our furry friends

isolation and stress: dogs are social animals and need interaction and companionship; leaving them alone can cause stress and anxiety

➡️ Moreover, let us not forget that anyone who engages in such behaviour and leaves animals to suffer, risks fines of up to EUR 500, which can become a criminal offence when they cause health problems for the animal or even death.

To protect our four-legged friends and ensure that they have a happy and safe life in the summer, let us make sure:

  1. Bring dogs inside the home: when the heat becomes intense, the best place for dogs is inside the home, where it is easier to provide a cool, comfortable environment.
  2. Provide fresh water: Always ensure that your dog has plenty of fresh water to drink.
  3. Avoid walking or playing with your dog during the hottest hours of the day, when the risk of heat stroke is greatest.
  4. Create shaded areas: If it is unavoidable to leave your dog outside for very short periods, ensure that he has access to shaded areas and a cool surface on which to lie.
  5. Do not leave your dog unattended on the balcony, terrace or locked in the car, even if it is parked in the shade.