The Gynaecology Unit of the Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata di Verona (better known as the Borgo Trento Hospital), directed by Prof. Massimo Franchi, is taking part in the open day “Dalla parte di noi donne” (On the women side), which aims to raise awareness among the female population about gynaecological prevention and offers free examinations to all women living in the Verona area.

External of Verona city Hospital (Women and kids side, Via Mameli)

To take part in the initiative, which will be held on Monday 15 July from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. on the 3rd floor of Pavilion 29, it is necessary to register at The initiative is open to women over the age of 18 who are not pregnant, who are not currently being treated by a specialist for a chronic gynaecological condition and who have not had a gynaecological examination in the last six months.

Prof. Massimo Franchi: “Prevention in women’s health is something we have always been committed to. A large hospital like ours also has a role to play in keeping its community healthy, not only through surgery but also through prevention. On this day, we will be offering free gynaecological check-ups to all women, and I am proud to be able to offer this opportunity, together with my team, as a concrete demonstration of our commitment to the women of our region“.

Prof. Massimo Franchi