Giulia Vinco from Verona finished first among the Italians in the important American race Western States 2024. Giulia ran the 100 miles (160 kilometres) in 20 hours, 46 minutes and 40 seconds, finishing 19th women overall.

Giulia Vinco at the finish line

The race started in Squaw Valley in the Sierra Nevada and finished in Auburn, Alabama, through the canyons, with temperatures close to zero at the start and over 30 degrees in the canyons. For Giulia it was a great achievement, the result of a great passion. “It’s almost unbelievable because I didn’t do any sport until I was 26. In 2016 I went on a trip to Myanmar with the usual group of friends. One morning I got up early and went to a temple by myself. Suddenly I decided to go back to my running group. That morning I gave up everything, I finally knew what I wanted“. Giulia trains seven days a week, alternating between running and scooters, covering 140 kilometres a week. The athlete is a member of the Fidal X C team and is sponsored by the American multinational Brooks.

The Western States is the first Centomiglia in history. Created in 1955 as a race for horses, it became a human race in 1974 to cover 100 miles in 24 hours. Every year there are more than 10,000 applications, but only 370 are accepted. During the very long race of 20 hours, 46 minutes and 40 seconds, the Veronese Giulia fed herself with 45 grams of carbohydrates per hour, but every 10 kilometres there were refreshments of rice, bars and fruit. A feat that can only be achieved with great willpower.