For the 2024/2025 academic year at the University of Verona, future students will be able to choose from 12 new courses, starting with Intelligent Systems Engineering, Technology-oriented Medicine and Surgery, Supply Chain Management, Promotion and Management of Territorial Heritage and Tourist Destinations, Data Science, Osteopathy and Hearing Aid Techniques. There are also inter-university courses in Bioengineering for Personalised Medicine (inter-university with the Universities of Trento and Modena-Reggio Emilia – seat in Trento), Bioengineering for Innovation in Medicine (inter-university with the Universities of Trento and Modena-Reggio Emilia – seat in Modena-Reggio Emilia), Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (inter-university with the University of Trento, located in Trento), Medical Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques (inter-university with the University of Trento, located in Trento), Sports Science, Sport and Wellness (inter-university with the University of Trento – located in Trento).

Polo Santa Marta

Data from the latest Almalaurea survey show that 80.4% of graduates from the University of Verona are working one year after graduation, higher than the national average of 74.1%. The figure rises to 81.5% of graduates one year after graduation and 90.1% five years after graduation. The University of Verona also offers a wide range of postgraduate courses, including 29 master’s degrees, 31 training and refresher courses and 9 continuing education courses.

data platform university

Students enrolled at the University of Verona can benefit from several advantages that allow them to live university life with greater peace of mind. Since the current academic year, the University has extended the tax-free zone from 22,000 to 27,000 euros: this means that currently about 8,000 students can attend the academic year without paying any tuition fees. There is also a focus on sustainability, accommodation and catering services managed by Esu, Verona’s university student union, at competitive prices, and study facilities: from classrooms to libraries open 7 days a week.

scholarships University of Verona

The international mobility programme has always received a great deal of attention. For the 2023/24 academic year, the University has 716 students studying abroad thanks to the Erasmus project. In addition to Erasmus, international mobility is driven by programmes such as Worldwide, which enables around 60 students to spend a semester studying outside Europe at more than 40 of the University’s partner universities in the United States and South America, Asia, Africa and Australia.