What happens after the last line of Romeo and Juliet? Is it the real end of everything?
On the occasion of Sharman Macdonald’s play AFTER JULIET, which will be staged at the Teatro Romano on 18 July and which is an ideal continuation of Shakespeare’s drama, the Estate Teatrale Veronese – Municipality of Verona, in collaboration with the Club di Giulietta and the Biblioteche Comunali di Verona, is launching the first edition of a literary initiative open to all those who love to write stories.

AAA WRITERS WANTED. The invitation is open to writers, Veronese or not, who have the desire to try their hand at a short story that begins where the famous story told by the Bard ends, with a contemporary sensibility.
Mystery, thriller, romance, history, humour, fantasy, dystopia: any new work, as long as it is unpublished and born from the author’s personal literary imagination, will be read by the Juliet Club. Only three unpublished plays will be shortlisted for the final on 18 July. On the evening of the performance of AFTER JULIET at the Roman Theatre on 18 July, the Municipality of Verona, together with the artistic director of the Estate Teatrale Veronese and the director of After Juliet, will award a prize to the story that, among the three finalists, has stood out for its style, narrative quality and ability to develop an original underlying narrative idea.

Entries must be in Word format (preferably Times New Roman – size 12) and less than 7,500 words (i.e. between 8,000 and 30,000 characters including spaces).

HOW TO APPLY. Entries must be sent to the following e-mail address: estateteatraleveronese@gmail.com with the author’s name and telephone number, by 10 July at the latest. Finally, the author is invited to carry out a multimedia action, i.e. a publication on his/her social networks, tagging Estate Teatrale Veronese (@estateteatraleveronese) with a content related to the manuscript. It can be a story with a pitch elevator, or a photograph, or any other content inspired by the author’s imagination, in his or her chords. In this way, the Veronese Theatre Summer, through its channels, wants to echo the writers (or aspiring writers) also in the “world outside the walls of Verona”.

PRIZES. The Estate Teatrale Veronese will reward the efforts of all the participants who correctly submit their work with a ticket to Romeo and Juliet and After Juliet. The author of the best work chosen by the Municipality of Verona among those selected by the Juliet Club will receive a free ticket for the Verona Theatre Summer 2024 on 18 July.

The correctly submitted stories will be published digitally on the Facebook page of the Veronese Theatre Summer in a printed anthology.