Diplomatic networking by VeronafiereVinitaly with American institutions is intensifying. The occasion was the 248th anniversary of Independence Day celebrated yesterday evening at Villa Taverna in Rome, in the residence of the Ambassador of the United States of America in Italy, Jack Markell, with Veronafiere and its brand for the promotion of Italian wine in the world sponsoring the official reception that, as usual, also anticipates the national holiday on 4th July in the USA in our country.

Our support for the event at the US Embassy in Rome consolidates an institutional alliance that further strengthens relations between the Verona Exhibition Centre and the first outlet market for Italian wine” commented the President of VeronaFiere, Federico Bricolo “and assumes an important relevance just a few months before the debut of Vinitaly.USA in Chicago on 20 and 21 October. A key positioning that identifies this metropolis as a strategic bridge between Italy and the number one destination for Made in Italy wine that, in 2023, totalled about $2 billion in imports. All this, without forgetting that the Chicago marketplace also lends itself to intercepting buyers from neighbouring Canada, with further growth opportunities for our companies“.

The evening was also attended by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, who in his speech also referred to the commercial alliance between the two countries. In particular, Tajani said that “Italy and the United States have begun to walk together“, recalling last year’s first edition of Vinitaly in Chicago and underlining the importance of Made in Italy agri-food products as a fundamental element of Italian exports.

In addition to President Federico Bricolo, the VeronaFiere delegation included Vice President Romano Artoni, Board Member Mario Veronesi and General Manager Adolfo Rebughini. The Mayor of Verona, Damiano Tommasi, and the President of ICE-Agenzia, Matteo Zoppas, were also present.

Federico Bricolo and Damiano Tommasi, Mayor of Verona city

After last year’s zero edition, Vinitaly.Usa (at the iconic Navy Pier) is the b2b event that is poised to become the first Belpaese wine fair on American soil, with the signing of a compact cooperation between Veronafiere, Ice-Agenzia and the Italian-American Chamber of Commerce in Chicago.

The objectives of the event include reaching 11.000 square metres of exhibition space and doubling the number of Italian companies and American buyers compared to the previous edition, while at the same time increasing the two-way promotional programme.

In fact, also for the Chicago event, VeronaFiere confirms Vinitaly’s development plan, which provides on the one hand for the rise of Italian companies in a sector with ample room for growth, and on the other hand for the profiling and selection of buyers and distributors with a view to Vinitaly 2025 in Verona (6-9 April, 57th edition). An incoming activity that at the last Vinitaly, in April this year, confirmed the United States’ pole position in the ranking of foreign operators, with 3.700 American buyers at the fair (+8% compared to 2023).

The two days in Chicago will feature master classes led by the most important international magazines in the sector, tastings, seminars and market focus sessions, as well as three sessions of the Vinitaly International Academy.