The top chefs and restaurateurs from the worldwide culinary scene gather at the Parisian event “La Liste,” an annual meeting of the world’s most inventive and important representatives under the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. This international showcase allows them to present their creations to an elite audience, and among the “top 1000” is Manuel Marzari, the only Italian pastry chef invited to display the latest creative genius from his atelier, the Chocolate Rabbits, thanks to the company Silikomart.

These culinary works of art demonstrate the confluence of design and edible artistry. Marzari, renowned as the maker of haute patisserie, is a native of Trentino but an adopted Veronese. He was recognized for his commitment by participating in the same event on June 17 with great personalities like French pastry chefs Pierre Hermé and Angelo Musa.

The idea of Manuel Marzari captured international attention

Manuel Marzari’s innovative concept of “Rabbit” chocolates, which are renowned design pieces that have been converted into edible marvels, mixes fascinating aesthetics with exquisite taste to create a unique experience. This project, created in partnership with Silikomart, a pioneer in the pastry mould industry, illustrates Marzari’s artistic passion. He is also known for arranging desserts atop steel and marble structures, and he has specialized in developing gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, and sugar-free sweets to cater to those with food allergies while retaining high quality and uniqueness.

The Veronese adopted pastry chef Manuel Marzari

Marzari was born in Rovereto but now calls Verona home, heart, and atelier. He is known for his innovation and limitless enthusiasm for the art of pastry. His work began over 25 years ago at luxury hotels and high-end pastry shops, and he then moved into consulting before establishing his Atelier of Innovative Pastry in Verona. The Atelier provides seminars, workshops, and an academy for professionals and hobbyists, with an emphasis on advanced and innovative approaches. The structure is intended to meet consumer expectations by customizing visions, improving manufacturing processes, and eliminating waste, with a focus on nutritional benefits and sustainability.

For more information, visit the official website of Manuel Marzari: