It is the traditional sports event held in Verona, and it will be back on Sunday, April 21. Thousands of runners and enthusiasts of all ages will compete on the three scheduled routes in the StraVerona race. Everyone begins at Piazza Bra and then heads out on the 5, 10, and 20-kilometer routes that will lead them through some of Verona’s most picturesque places. Numerous other events are scheduled for the weekend, including a fundraising campaign to support the Fondazione Cuore Blu, which will offer comprehensive services to autistic people in the Veronese area, and discounted admission to civic museums and archaeological sites for participants on Sunday.

The routes and the StraVerona Junior

Runners compete on a 5-kilometer route, #Ricarica, which is flat, barrier-free, and suitable for families; a 10-kilometer route, #Rincorsa, which will develop both in flat and hilly areas; and a 20-kilometer route, #Resistenza, which will take place in Verona’s city center and surrounding hills. The place of departure for everyone is Piazza Bra, where the starting shots will sound at staggered times: the most challenging route will begin at 8:30 a.m., followed by the runners of the 10 km at 8:45 a.m., and finally the runners and walkers of the 5 km at 9 a.m.

Together with the Genitori & Figli (Parents & Children) relay, the 11th edition of Straverona Junior, a race for kids ages 5 to 11, is back. The event begins at 10:30 a.m., and the awards presentation is scheduled for 12 p.m.

Parallel initiatives: a weekend of sport, culture, and social activities.

Young musicians, DJs, and dance groups will join the runners as they cover the various routes. Francesca Cheyenne, a radio host, and DJ Mauro Micheloni will offer the entertaining moments alongside Mauro Pagani.

The Verona Minor Hierusalem Foundation will also hold its usual “Cultural Walk” on the topic “Bridges of Peace” on Saturday, the 20th. The walk will begin at 2:30 p.m. and will include people of all ages as well as Ukrainian refugees. The initiative is preparing for Pope Francis‘ peace appeal on May 18th in Verona.

Then, there will be a fundraising campaign to support the Fondazione Cuore Blu Vivere gli Autismi – ETS in providing comprehensive services for autistic people in the Veronese territory, in particular the Domus Aut project in Parco delle Colombare to renovate the “Domus,” which will include a specialized outpatient clinic and other services.

Information and registrations

The Veronese public transportation provider, Atv, will provide free shuttles from the Bentegodi stadium to Piazza Cittadella for the runners. Registered participants can use urban lines for free from 6 to 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is also recommended to use green ways of transport, such as bicycles, which have free parking at the FIAB in Piazza Bra.

You can sign up for the Straverona and Straverona Junior in a variety of ways, including online until April 19 at or at the booth in Piazza Bra until April 20. You can also register on the day of the event, beginning at 7:30 a.m. in the Loggiato della Gran Guardia. Enrolled participants who pay the full cost will get a Straverona technical shirt and a refreshment bag, along with gifts from the event’s partners.

As always, there are discounts for running groups. Registration is free for all children under the age of 14 who are accompanied by their parents. The multiple activities will take place against the backdrop of the Piazza Bra exhibition area, which will be open on Saturday 20 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday 21 from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.