Next weekend will be entirely dedicated to learning about Salento’s music, cuisine, and dances. On Saturday, July 15, and Sunday, July 16, “Una Mura Te del Salento” will bring the traditions of one of Italy’s most popular places. Verona therefore reaffirms itself not only as an appealing destination for tourists and foreigners who come to visit, and much more often to live, in our city, but also as a meeting place for Italians who choose it as a study or professional destination.
The initiative, which is part of the Mura Festival, will present numerous stands near the Bastion of San Bernardino in Circonvallazione Maroncelli where visitors can learn about one of the realities present in Verona. Beginning with those that will offer Salento cuisine, where people can try the regional delights while also learning how to make fresh pasta. And there will also be a workshop to learn about the Pizzica, the Apulian folk dance par excellence, for those who enjoy ancient dances.
Together with the workshops, there will be a lot of music. The musical entertainment will be offered by the band “Provvisorio Popolare,” which will perform “Pizzica Pizzica,” as well as Stornelli and Serenades typical of Salento, leading to a concert that will transport you to the “red earth”. All of it with the goal of preserving the interest and culture of Salento in order to develop mutual understanding.
Here is the complete program to discover Salento:
Saturday, July 15
- from 11 to 12 pm, workshop with Agata De Nuccio (poet from Salento) € 5,00
- from 17 to 19, Pizzica workshop € 10,00
- from 20,30 to 21 “Il Salento visto da una luce diversa” – “Looking at Salento in a different way”
- from 21,15 Pizzica concert with “Provvisorio popolare”
Domenica 16 luglio
- from 11 to 12 pm, workshop with Agata De Nuccio (poet from Salento) € 5,00
- from 17 to 19, Pizzica workshop € 10,00
- from 20,30 to 21 “Immagini e parole del Salento raccontate da Giovanni” – “pictures and words from Salento told by Giovanni” Martes e Agata De Nuccio
- from 21,15 Pizzica concert with “Provvisorio popolare”